Masters Sealer
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Masters Sealer "wet-look"

Masters Sealer "wet-look" provides a strong, beautiful, maintenance-free finish that enhances and deepens natural color. It protects micro-concrete, stamped concrete, slate and stenlied concrete; inside or outside.

  • Luciu
  • 1 kg
  • 20 kg
  • 4 kg
30,09 € (inclusiv TVA) 25,07 € (fara TVA)
cu TVA

Masters Sealer "wet-look" is an acrylic resin in solvent based. It allows creating a basic protection for indoor and outdoor decorative concrete.

  • Inside use : It could be applied directly for protect micro topping concrete, self levelling overlay or water based stains. Caution to the odour, it smells a strong solvent odour.
  • Outisde use : It could be applied on stamped concrete or stencil concrete as a second coat (after a first coat of Masters Ouside Sealer) after 28 days drying.

Advice : For realisations where a special protection is needed (showers, bathrooms, countertops, floors or outside applications) it's better to use a bi-component varnish such as Masters PU Ecodur Sealer, Masters Varnish Pro PU or Masters Varnish Pro Epoxy.

This product is based on solvents: PROFESSIONNAL USE ONLY


1. Preparing surfaces

The surface must be clean, dry and free of dust and other substances such as paint, oil, grease, fluorescence, glue, or old sealers. If you have any doubts about the cleanliness of the substrate, it is preferable to perform a light sanding with 120 grit.

2. Application

First, protect yourself with gloves, goggles and appropriate mask for solvents.

Masters Sealer "wet-look" must be applied with roller, a brush or a sprayer in two coats. Depending on the weather conditions, each layer should be applied at 12 hours interval. Let it dry during 48 hours before re-use the area.

Fisa tehnica
Componenta mono - Solvent
100g / m²
500gr / l
Rășină acrilică pe bază de solvent
Timp de uscare
Atingere: 4-6 ore / Recoatable: 6-24 ore
Termen de valabilitate
24 luni
1 kg / 4 kg / 20 kg
Afară și interior
Fisiere asociate

TDS - Masters Sealer

Etanșare optimă pentru beton decorativ (pe bază de solvenți)

Descarcari (25.92KB)

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