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Skin Blue Slate

Relief ușor, special adaptat pentru suprapuneri subțiri.

Piatra albastră este un model robust. Depozite mari de piatră albastră naturală se găsesc în apropiere de Derbyshire, Anglia. Acest model curajos oferă o textură agresivă fără lucrarea sau întreținerea liniilor de mortar. Această textură muntoasă și degradată face o declarație îndrăzneață.

Pentru o instalare ușoară, toate covorașele Texture vin cu mânere.

  • Mic 40 x 40cm
  • Mare 90 x 90cm
  • Set de 3
  • Set de 6
161,12 € (inclusiv TVA) 134,26 € (fara TVA)
cu TVA
notifications_active Ultimele produse in stoc

These skins are used to realize a Stamped Concrete on a fresh concrete or on an old screed using a stamping overlay.
Before stamping, the fresh concrete must be first coloured with Masters Colour Hardener to strengthen the surface.
After this step and for avoid your skins not stick the concrete, care must be taken to spray them with a Masters Liquid Release or powdered a Masters Antique Release on the entire surface to be printed.
Note that Masters Antique Release creates a second colour and allows to highlight the patterns.

On an old screed, you must used Masters Stamp Overlay. In this case, Masters Stamp Overlay must be coloured in the mass during the mixing.


These skins (or texture mats) are easier to use. They are a great alternative to start in the Stamped Concrete. Their "random" form allows to superimpose at will. They require less precision than "classics stamps" that must be nested together with the utmost care.


The embossed of this skin is very thin and low marked.
This skin's model is particularly suitable for applying on Masters Stamp Overlay.

Fisa tehnica
Cauciuc PU
90 x 90 cm / 40 x 40 cm
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