Masters Antique Agent pentru beton ștanțat
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Masters Antique Release

Agent de dezlipire pulbere pentru beton amprentat. Oferă o culoare suplimentară de accent care este încorporată permanent în suprafața texturată a betonului, oferind un aspect anticat atractiv din punct de vedere vizual.

Disponibil în 9 culori.

Comandați o probă pentru testare


  • Găleți de 10Kg (acoperire 60m²)
  • Găleți de 5 kg (acoperire 30 m²)
  • 5 kg - 30 m²
  • 10 kg - 60 m²
Cantitate Pret unitar Ai economisit
6 38,30 € Pana la 12,10 €
11 36,29 € Pana la 44,35 €
40,32 € (inclusiv TVA) 33,60 € (fara TVA)
cu TVA

Masters Antique Release is a colour release agent use for stamping concrete. It has two essentials actions in a concrete stamping project:
 - It prevents stamps and skins to stick to the concrete and disturbing the action of printing.
 - It creates a second colour to the concrete by highlighting the patterns and giving an antique effect.

On a fresh concrete or on a stamp overlay, the surface must be smooth and perfectly leveled. This powder release is composed of very fine airborne dust particulates. During windy day, you must be particularly attentive to do not stain nearly walls or buildings. If necessary, protect them with plastic or paper sheeting. Protect yourself in wearing dust mask to prevent inhalation.

The best tool to apply Masters Antique Release is a brush to glue wallpaper. Dip this dry brush into the bucket of powder release and fluff it to load the bristles. Then take the brush by the handle and use your wrist to flick the release on the surface in shaking vigorously near the ground. Apply a uniform layer on the entire surface.
When your colour release agent masks the colour of your colour hardener, that's enough. Don’t apply to much release agent, especially with lighter textures.
Begin the stamping carefully. When you begin to remove your stamp, you can have look under to see what you have done. The surface of the powder colour release help determine if you have depressed the stamp completely.
Regardless of the colour you are using, the release will lighten when it has been fully compacted by the stamp.

Fisa tehnica
60mp / galeata
Nici unul
Disponibil în 10 culori
Termen de valabilitate
24 luni
Găleată de 10 kg
Fisiere asociate

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Agent de eliberare antic pentru beton ștanțat

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CUM SE - Beton ștanțat

Cum se aplică beton ștanțat pe beton proaspăt.

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