

Microciment, altfel cunoscut sub numele de „Béton ciré”

Un produs de design din ce în ce mai popular

Ideale pentru proiecte noi, dar si pentru renovari, sursa de inspiratie pentru arhitecti si designeri de interior. Microcimentul ofera o suprafata continuua, nu are imbinari, este impermeabil si ofera o rezistenta ridicata la solicitari si socuri mecanice. Poate fi utilizat pe toate suprafetele din interiorul casei, cum ar fi: baie, bucatarie, living, spatii comerciale, terase...

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Micro-concrete full kit - Shower & bathroom - 10 sqm
With this micro-concrete you can transform any bathroom, new or renovated, into a modern, clean and bright room.
Destination : bathroom, sink, bathtub, shower...
Product included :

Masters Prim Plus (1L)
Micro-concrete (20 Kg of powder + 6 liters of binder)
Masters Varnish PRO PU (2 kg)
Kit complet microbeton - Bucătărie și blaturi
Destination : worktop, kitchen, backboard...
Product included :

Masters Prim Plus (1L)
Micro-concrete (20kg of powder + 6L of binder)
Masters Impregnator (1kg)
Masters Vitrificator (1kg)
Micro-concrete full kit - Floors - 25 or 50 m²
Destination : Indoor floors
Product included :

Masters Prim Plus (2 or 5 L)
Micro-concrete (50 or 100 kg of powder + 15 or 30 liters of binder)
Masters Ecodur Sealer (4 or 8 kg)
Micro-concrete full kit - Floors - 25 or 50 sqm
Destination : Old tiles indoor floors
Product included :

Masters Prim Plus
Masters Filling Cement
Masters Micro-concrete (Powder + binder)
Masters Varnish Pro PU

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Kit complet microbeton pe gresie veche - Scari - 5m², 10m²
Destination : Old tiles indoor floors
Product included :

Masters Prim Plus
Masters Filling Cement
Masters Micro-concrete (Powder + binder)
Masters Varnish Pro PU

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