Stamped Concrete (on fresh concrete)

HOW TO : Stamped concrete

In freshly placed concrete


Tools needed :

Instructions step by step

1. Preparation

First, you have to prepare your construction site into the standards rules for realize a traditional concrete screed. Your subgrade should be carefully prepared, compacted and levelled. Set the forms to the correct elevation and make your levels for draining water.

Have a good concrete mix is very important, use a minimum of 35% of Portland cement per cubic meter and less of 175 liters of water. Remember, more you have water, more you will risk having cracks. Prefer do not use retarding or water reducing admixtures especially when they contain calcium chloride.

2. & 3. Application

Place your concrete and use a magnesium bullfloat for surfacing. After surfacing carefully your fresh concrete, and when all the bleed water has dissipated, hand broadcast your Masters Colour Hardener in two times. About 85% at the first time and when the colour hardener had absorbed the moisture, shake again the rest of 15%. A third shake must be necessary when you are working with light colour.

Once surfacing your Masters Colours Hardener put a released agent like Masters Antique Release Agent. The best tool to apply Masters Antique Release is is with a dry tampico brush about 8 inches wide. Dip this dry brush into the bucket of powder release and fluff it to load the bristles. Then take the brush by the handle and use your wrist to flick the release on the surface in shaking vigorously near the ground. Apply a uniform layer on the entire surface. When your colour release agent masks the colour of your colour hardener, that's enough.

4. Stamping

Now, your can wait the right time for stamping depending on tempeture and humidity rate. Press your fingers into the concrete surface at several locations on the slab. If you leave a clean imprint about 3/16 to 1/4 inch deep, you can generally begin stamping.
Begin the stamping carefully. When you begin to remove your stamp, you can have look under to see what you have done.
The surface of the powder colour release help determine if you have depressed the stamp completely. Regardless of the colour you are using, the release will lighten when it has been fully compacted by the stamp.

The day later, wash off the residual release agent with clear water.

5. Finition

After 48 hours, once the surface is sufficiently cleaned and allowed to dry, you can then spray the first coat of sealer. Then, let-it dry.
We recommand to use Masters Ecolex Sealer, an acrylic mono-component and water-based sealer.

Apply a second coat 28 days later.

Tips & advices

  • Instead of using a powder release agent, you can choose a transparent and liquid release agent.
  • Don’t apply to much release agent, especially with lighter textures.
  • The pwder release is composed of very fine airborne dust particulates. During windy day, you must be particularly attentive to do not stain nearly walls or buildings.
  • Protect yourself in wearing dust mask to prevent inhalation.