Decorative concrete

Decorative concrete

All products you need to create by yourself you decorative concrete project 

Microconcrete, Stamped Concrete, Stenciled Concrete, Stained Concrete, Wall Stamped Concrete, Stone Carpet, etc...

Masters Spray Mortar - Binder (Comp. 2)
This adjuvant must be added to component 1 (colored quartz powder) of Masters Stencil Spray Mortar in order to obtain a homogeneous mixture for the application.
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This product is ready to use, never cut with water.
Masters Surface Preparator
Masters Surface Preparator should be used before applying Masters water-based stain. It is a specially formulated cleaner.
We recommend to use Masters Surface Preparator as a primer to open the porosity of the supports. It allows faster penetration of the stain and a more intense color.
Set of 3 Aluminum Handles
Set of three aluminum handles for bull float and trowels. They be extended to 5,40 meters with a snap lock system.