Decorative concrete

Decorative concrete

All products you need to create by yourself you decorative concrete project 

Microconcrete, Stamped Concrete, Stenciled Concrete, Stained Concrete, Wall Stamped Concrete, Stone Carpet, etc...

S touch-up tool
Useful, resistant and light weight used for touching up grouts of stamped floors or stamped walls after the stamp phase. Thanks to its different sizes it is possible to realize joints of different depths.
Micro-concrete full kit on old tiles - Kitchen
Destination : worktop, kitchen, backboard...
Product included (Kit 10m²) :

Masters Prim Plus (1L)
Masters Filling Mortar (20kg)
Micro-concrete (20kg of powder + 6L of binder)
Masters Impregnator (1kg)
Masters Vitrificator (1kg)

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MARSHALLTOWN - Zinc Hand Groover
The MARSHALLTOWN zinc joint marking groover is an high quality professional tool for working cement and concrete floors.