Realise youself your Micro-topping concrete

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Individual workers, home workers, handymen, you want to realise yourself your Micro-topping concrete !
We offers here some all exclusive kits especially packaged for each kind of realisation

Mikrobeton-Komplettset - Bad - 5m², 10m²
Mit diesem Mikrobeton können Sie jedes neue oder renovierte Badezimmer in einen modernen, sauberen und hellen Raum verwandeln.
Verwendung: Badezimmer, Waschbecken, Badewanne, Dusche ...
Enthaltene Produkte :

Masters Prim Plus (1L)
Masters Mikrobeton (20 kg Pulver + 6 Liter Bindemittel)
Masters Lack Pro PU (2kg)
Mikrobeton-Komplettset - Küche & Arbeitsplatten
Destination : worktop, kitchen, backboard...
Product included :

Masters Prim Plus (1L)
Micro-concrete (20kg of powder + 6L of binder)
Masters Impregnator (1kg)
Masters Vitrificator (1kg)
Micro-concrete full kit - Floors - 25 or 50 m²
Destination : Indoor floors
Product included :

Masters Prim Plus (2 or 5 L)
Micro-concrete (50 or 100 kg of powder + 15 or 30 liters of binder)
Masters Ecodur Sealer (4 or 8 kg)
Mikrobeton-Komplettset - Böden (auf Fliesen) - 25 oder 50 m²
Destination : Old tiles indoor floors
Product included :

Masters Prim Plus
Masters Filling Cement
Masters Micro-concrete (Powder + binder)
Masters Varnish Pro PU

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Mikrobeton-Komplettset - Treppen (auf Fliesen) - 5m², 10m²
Destination : Old tiles indoor floors
Product included :

Masters Prim Plus
Masters Filling Cement
Masters Micro-concrete (Powder + binder)
Masters Varnish Pro PU

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Mikrobeton-Komplettset - Küche & Arbeitsplatten (auf Fliesen)
Destination : worktop, kitchen, backboard...
Product included :

Masters Prim Plus (1L)
Masters Filling Mortar (20kg)
Micro-concrete (20kg of powder + 6L of binder)
Masters Varnish PRO Epoxy (2kg)